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Revolutionize Your Business with Effective Leadership Development Programs

07/24/2024 0 Comment

Effective leadership training is crucial for the success of any business. Investing in leadership development programs can revolutionize your organization by cultivating a strong, competent leadership team that drives growth, innovation, and employee engagement. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of leadership training, identifying core competencies of successful leaders, designing and implementing effective leadership development programs, measuring their impact, creating a sustainable leadership culture, building a network of peer mentors, and utilizing technology to enhance leadership development.

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Navigating Concerns in Organizational Consulting for Broader Opportunities

07/15/2024 0 Comment

Organizational consulting is a vital component of ensuring the success and growth of businesses. By providing expert advice and guidance, consultants help organizations navigate through challenges and seize opportunities for improvement. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of organizational consulting, exploring how concerns can be addressed to uncover broader opportunities for organizational growth and development.

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How and Why We Started The Academy For Leadership And Training

07/06/2024 0 Comment

After working as a VP of Talent Development and hiring numerous leadership development companies, I ended up feeling like Goldie-Locks: this company doesn’t customize their work or this company customizes but wants to take over the entire program. I couldn’t find the one that was “just right,” so I saw that as a market opportunity.....

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Steering the Ship: Team Leadership in Project Management

07/06/2024 0 Comment

Team Leadership plays a crucial role in the success of any project. It is the driving force that guides a group of individuals towards a common goal, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. In the world of project management, strong Team Leadership is essential for steering the ship in the right direction and achieving desired outcomes.

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How Team Leaders Achieve Success in Project Management

06/21/2024 0 Comment

In the world of business, project management plays a crucial role in the success of any endeavor. Whether it's launching a new product, implementing a new system, or organizing a company-wide event, project management ensures that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Team leaders are at the forefront of this process, responsible for guiding their team members to achieve project goals within the specified timeline and budget. In this blog post, we will explore the essential strategies that team leaders can implement to achieve success in project management.

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Navigating Business Challenges with Emotional Intelligence: A Workshop by Jim Glantz

05/29/2024 0 Comment

In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, the ability to navigate challenges with grace and emotional intelligence is essential for success. Emotional intelligence, or the ability to understand and manage emotions effectively, plays a crucial role in leadership and decision-making. One expert in this field is Jim Glantz, who offers a workshop specifically designed to help business leaders enhance their emotional intelligence skills. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of emotional intelligence in business, the pillars of emotional intelligence in Jim Glantz's training, case studies showcasing the transformative power of emotional intelligence in leadership, practical strategies for enhancing emotional intelligence, measuring the success of emotional intelligence in business, and what to expect when joining Jim Glantz's workshop.

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The Path to Success: Navigating Project Management for Team Leaders

05/23/2024 0 Comment

Project Management is a critical skill for team leaders looking to lead their team to success. It involves understanding the basics, setting clear goals, building and managing an effective team, planning and executing the project, navigating challenges and risks, monitoring progress, and making necessary adjustments. In this blog post, we will explore each of these key components in detail and provide insights on how team leaders can successfully navigate project management to achieve their goals.

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The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Successful Business

04/17/2024 0 Comment

In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, it takes more than just technical skills and expertise to succeed. One of the key factors that contribute to success in business is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, often referred to as EQ, plays a crucial role in effective leadership, team dynamics, customer relations, conflict resolution, and overall business performance. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of emotional intelligence in business and how it can lead to greater success.

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Personal Values and Ethics: The Leadership Difference in Organizations

04/17/2024 0 Comment

In the world of business, leadership is often seen as the key factor that drives an organization towards success. However, what sets a good leader apart from a great leader is the presence of strong personal values and ethics. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of personal values and ethics in leadership within organizations and how they can make a significant difference in driving positive outcomes.

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Join TAFLAT's Emerging Leader Program for a Revolutionary Career

04/01/2024 0 Comment

Are you looking to take your career to the next level? Look no further than TAFLAT's Emerging Leader Program. This program is designed to transform your career and help you become a revolutionary leader in your field. By enrolling in this program, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your career and make a real impact in your industry.

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Experience Personal Growth with Taflat's Customized Leadership Training

04/01/2024 0 Comment

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, the importance of effective leadership has never been more pronounced. As organizations grapple with complex challenges and unprecedented changes, the need for adaptive, resilient, and inspiring leaders has surged. Recognizing this imperative, Taflat's customized leadership training programs stand out as a beacon for professionals and organizations aiming to cultivate their leadership prowess and drive tangible outcomes. This comprehensive exploration dives into how Taflat's suite of services – from personalized leadership training to executive coaching and organizational consulting – can catalyze personal growth and transformative success.

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Achieve Success with Dr. Jim Glantz's Customized Leadership Training in Miami

04/01/2024 0 Comment

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the need for effective leadership has never been more critical. Leaders are not just born; they are made through rigorous training, dedication, and the right kind of mentorship. This is where Dr. Jim Glantz’s CUSTOMIZED LEADERSHIP TRAINING in Miami comes into play. Designed to cater specifically to the unique needs of your organization, Dr. Glantz's program is a beacon of innovation in leadership development. Whether you're a fledgling start-up or a well-established corporation, this training is your key to unlocking the full potential of your leadership team.

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From 'No' to 'Yes': Winning Strategies for Salespeople

02/23/2024 0 Comment

Every salesperson knows the sting of rejection. Hearing 'no' can feel like a door slamming shut on potential success? However, transforming that 'no' into a 'yes' is not only possible but can become a regular outcome with the right strategies. This blog post delves into the winning tactics that can help salespeople break down barriers, overcome objections, and ultimately secure more sales. By enhancing communication skills, empathizing with clients, and strategically following up, sales professionals can turn potential defeats into triumphs.

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Leading by Example: How Personal Values Shape Leadership

02/23/2024 0 Comment

In this rapidly evolving world, strong leadership is crucial to the success of any organization. Often, the most impactful leaders are those who inspire, influence, and guide others by their own actions, adhering to their personal values and ethics. This is what it truly means to lead by example. But what is the role of personal values and ethics in leadership? How do they shape a leader's approach and impact organizational culture? In this blog post, we delve into these questions, exploring the complex interplay between personal values, ethics, and leadership. 

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Sales Conversations: Navigating Objections with Strong Communication

02/13/2024 0 Comment

Navigating objections in sales conversations is an art that every salesperson must master. A key aspect of this process involves deploying effective communication strategies to understand and address customer concerns efficiently. This blog post will discuss how strong communication can help salespeople overcome objections and close deals successfully. 

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How Self-Awareness Leads to Effective Communication

01/29/2024 0 Comment

Communication forms the backbone of our relationships and interactions, whether at work or in our personal lives. Misunderstandings, however, can result in frustration, conflict, and broken relationships. Therefore, it is vital to communicate effectively, and self-awareness is a crucial factor in this equation. This article explores the concept of self-awareness and how it significantly influences effective communication.

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Bypassing Business Hurdles: How to Deal with Team Issues Effectively

01/22/2024 0 Comment

In any business, team issues are bound to emerge at some point. Whether it's a clash of personalities, miscommunication, or a lack of clear roles, these issues can seriously impede the team's productivity and, ultimately, the business's success. However, understanding and addressing these issues early can prevent them from escalating into bigger problems. Let's delve into some strategies to manage team issues effectively. 
Acknowledge the Importance of Open Communication
Facilitating a culture of open communication is a fundamental step in preventing and solving team issues. Give your team the freedom to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without the fear of backlash. By fostering a work environment where every voice matters, you not only enhance team collaboration but also significantly reduce misunderstandings. This helps in cultivating a healthier, more productive workspace. During your team meetings, make it a point to offer every team member an opportunity to share. This doesn't just foster a culture of inclusivity, but also helps in promoting transparency and facilitating better comprehension among team members. Therefore, as a leader, nurturing open communication within your team should be one of your top priorities.

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How To Motivate Employees Like A Boss: Top Incentive Plan Ideas

01/15/2024 0 Comment

Employee motivation is crucial for the success of any business. When employees are motivated, they are more engaged, productive, and loyal to their company. As a boss, one of the most effective ways to motivate your employees is through an incentive plan. Incentive plans provide tangible rewards and recognition for employees who meet or exceed certain goals or expectations. In this blog post, we will discuss the top ideas for building an employee incentive plan that will not only motivate your team, but also drive your business towards success. 

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From Control to Collaboration: How Trust Can Transform Your Team

01/03/2024 0 Comment

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, it’s become increasingly important for teams to work together effectively and efficiently. Gone are the days of rigid control and strict hierarchies, as organizations are now shifting towards a more collaborative approach to achieve their goals. One key factor that can make or break a team’s success is trust. When trust is lacking, it can lead to conflicts, lack of communication, and ultimately, hinder the team’s progress. On the other hand, when trust is present, it can transform a group of individuals into a cohesive and high-performing team. In this blog post, we will explore the power of trust and how it can revolutionize the way your team operates.

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Enhance Your Leadership Presence: Tips from Miami’s Top Executive Coach

12/26/2023 0 Comment

Are you looking to take your leadership skills to the next level? Look no further than Miami’s top executive coach! With years of experience and a proven track record, our coach is dedicated to helping individuals enhance their leadership presence and achieve their professional goals. In this blog post, we’ll be sharing some valuable tips from our executive coach in Miami, so you can start elevating your leadership abilities and become a more effective and confident leader. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or just starting your leadership journey, these tips will help you unlock your full potential and succeed in any leadership role. Let’s get started!

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A Modern Guide to Getting Things Done: Strategies for Productive Entrepreneurship

12/19/2023 0 Comment

As an entrepreneur, staying organized and productive is crucial for success in today's fast-paced business world. With the constant influx of tasks and responsibilities, it can be overwhelming to keep up and stay on top of everything. However, by implementing modern strategies and techniques, you can efficiently manage your time and tasks, leading to increased productivity and ultimately, a more successful entrepreneurial journey. In this blog post, we will discuss some practical tips and strategies to help you get things done and become a productive entrepreneur in today's dynamic business landscape. 

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Find Your Balance: How Business Coaching Can Help You Manage Workload and Success

12/14/2023 0 Comment

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we often find ourselves juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities in order to achieve success. While this determination and drive are essential for growth, it can also lead to burnout and a lack of work-life balance. That's where business coaching comes in – a valuable tool that can help us manage our workload while still striving for success. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of business coaching and how it can be the key to finding a healthy balance between work and growth. 

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Achieve More by Doing Less: The Art of Simplification in Business

12/08/2023 0 Comment

In the fast-paced world of business, it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to do too much, too quickly. We often believe that taking on more tasks and responsibilities will lead to greater success, but in reality, it can lead to burnout and hinder our progress. The key to achieving our business goals is not to do more, but rather to simplify. By streamlining processes, focusing on what truly matters, and eliminating unnecessary tasks, we can amplify our efforts and achieve more with less. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of simplification in business and how it can help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently. 

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Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Entrepreneurial Strategies

12/04/2023 0 Comment

Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. It requires resilience, determination, and a strong will to succeed. Along the journey of building a business, there will be numerous challenges and setbacks that can make or break an entrepreneur's spirit. However, the most successful entrepreneurs are those who are able to turn these challenges into opportunities and use them as stepping stones towards their goals. In this blog post, we will explore some effective strategies for overcoming entrepreneurial challenges and dealing with setbacks, ultimately helping you to thrive and grow as an entrepreneur.

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: How to Find Your Ideal Employees

11/28/2023 0 Comment

Teamwork is the backbone of any successful organization. No matter how great your ideas or strategies may be, without a strong team to execute them, they are just words on paper. That's why finding the right employees is crucial for the growth and success of your business. But with so many candidates out there, how do you know which ones will truly be the perfect fit for your team? In this blog post, we will discuss how to hire the right team members and build the perfect team for your company. So get ready to learn how to make your dream work through the power of teamwork!

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How to Stop Team Issues from Affecting Your Bottom Line

11/27/2023 0 Comment

As a business owner or manager, it can be frustrating to see team issues constantly arise within your organization. These issues not only create a negative work environment, but they can also have a direct impact on your bottom line. Whether it's conflicts between team members, lack of communication, or low morale, these problems can hinder productivity and ultimately hurt your business's success. However, by addressing team issues early on and implementing effective strategies, you can prevent them from affecting your bottom line and create a positive and productive work environment for your team. In this blog post, we will discuss how to effectively address team issues early in your business to keep your team and your business on the path to success.

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How Not To Scare Your Team with Your New Ideas

11/20/2023 0 Comment

As a leader, it's natural to have new ideas and want to implement them within your team. However, introducing these new ideas can often be met with resistance or even fear from your team members. This can be discouraging and hinder the success of your ideas. In this blog post, we'll discuss some tips and strategies on how to introduce your new ideas to your team in a way that will not scare them, but instead, inspire and motivate them to embrace change and work towards a common goal.

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How to Expand Your Team’s Unique Ability

11/15/2023 0 Comment

Having a team with diverse skill sets and perspectives is crucial for any organization's success. However, it is not enough to just have a variety of talents on your team. To truly thrive and reach your full potential, you must also tap into your team's unique abilities. These are the skills, qualities, and strengths that make each team member stand out and bring something special to the table. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can expand your team's unique ability and create a stronger, more dynamic team.

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Navigating Leadership Challenges with Professional Coaching Support in Miami

11/08/2023 0 Comment

Miami is a city known for its vibrant culture, beautiful beaches, and bustling business scene. With numerous companies, organizations, and entrepreneurs thriving in this dynamic city, it's no surprise that many leaders face unique challenges in their roles. Whether it's managing a diverse team, navigating complex decision-making processes, or dealing with constant changes in the market, being a leader in Miami requires a specific set of skills. That's where professional coaching support comes in. By providing personalized guidance and tools, executive coaching services in Miami can help leaders navigate through these challenges and reach their full potential. In this blog post, we'll explore how executive coaching can benefit leaders in Miami and why it's a valuable investment for any individual looking to enhance their leadership skills.

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Team Up for Success: The Essentials of Building a Productive Team

11/06/2023 0 Comment

Building a successful team is crucial for any organization or project. A good team can achieve amazing results, surpassing the individual capabilities of each member. However, creating a cohesive and productive team can be a challenging task. It requires the right mix of individuals, skills, and strategies to bring out the best in each team member and work towards a common goal. In this blog post, we will discuss the essential components of building a productive team and how you can apply them to your own team for success. Whether you're a team leader, manager, or simply a team member looking to improve teamwork, this post will provide valuable insights and tips to help you achieve a high-performing and harmonious team dynamic.

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The Connection between Trust and Excellence: Lessons from Winning Teams

10/27/2023 0 Comment

In any successful team, trust is the glue that holds everything together. It is the foundation upon which relationships are built and teamwork thrives. Without trust, a team cannot reach its full potential or achieve excellence. This fundamental truth has been proven time and time again by winning teams in various fields, from sports to business to the military. In this blog post, we will explore the vital connection between trust and excellence, and the lessons we can learn from high-performing teams.

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Goals versus objectives: Learn to lead your teams to success

10/26/2023 0 Comment

As a leader, it's important to have a clear understanding of the difference between goals and objectives, and how to effectively utilize both in leading your teams to success. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings and serve different purposes. By understanding the nuances between goals and objectives, you can develop a strategic approach to motivate and guide your team towards achieving their full potential and reaching desired outcomes. In this blog post, we will dive into the differences between goals and objectives, and provide tips on how to effectively use both to lead your teams to success.

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Finding Harmony in the Workplace: Integrating Leadership and Management Techniques

10/19/2023 0 Comment

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, it is crucial for teams to have a strong balance of both leadership and management. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, they are actually distinct concepts that play different roles in the success of a team. Leadership focuses on inspiring and guiding individuals towards a common goal, while management focuses on organizing and coordinating tasks to achieve that goal. In order to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity, it is essential to find harmony between these two approaches in the workplace. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of integrating leadership and management techniques, and how it can lead to a successful and cohesive team dynamic.

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Setting the Standard: How Effective Leadership Helps Teams Thrive

10/19/2023 0 Comment

Effective leadership is a crucial component for any successful team. While many people may use the terms "leadership" and "management" interchangeably, they are actually two distinct concepts with different approaches and outcomes. While management focuses on the day-to-day operations and tasks, leadership is about inspiring and guiding a group towards a common goal. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of effective leadership in helping teams thrive, and how it differs from traditional management styles.

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The Winning Formula: Executing on Your Goals with Strategic Coaching Techniques

10/17/2023 0 Comment

Setting goals is the first step towards achieving success in any area of life, whether it be personal or professional. However, simply having a goal in mind is not enough. In order to truly reach your full potential and achieve massive wins, strategic planning and execution are key. This is where executive coaching comes in. By combining the power of goal setting with strategic coaching techniques, individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve their desired outcomes. In this blog post, we will explore the winning formula for setting and executing on your goals through the lens of executive coaching.

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Feedback 101: How to Provide Positive Critique for Personal Growth

10/17/2023 0 Comment

Do you find it hard to provide constructive feedback? If so, you’re not alone. It’s often difficult to offer critiques that help rather than hurt. Fortunately, with the right approach, providing feedback can be a positive and productive experience for both parties. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to give meaningful feedback that encourages personal growth and inspires improvement.

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10 Communication Skills You Need to Succeed at Work

10/04/2023 0 Comment

10 Communication Skills You Need to Succeed at Work

Effective communication in the workplace is essential for success. It helps to build relationships with colleagues, increase productivity, and foster a positive work environment. Whether you’re leading a team or managing your own projects, having strong communication skills is an invaluable asset. In this blog post, we’ll discuss 10 communication skills you need to succeed at work, and provide examples of how to apply them.

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Who is Responsible for Lagging Performance?

05/26/2022 0 Comment

Who is Responsible for Lagging Performance?

"The supervisor is disruptive and causes conflict on our team. But, he does know the work, and gets things done in an important area of our Company."

As a coach, I can't tell you how many times I've heard that comment. We might spend several full coaching meetings talking about this individual, and getting to the root cause of what is going on. It's a challenge in that the person is a solid/OK performer of the work, but is causing stress within the team. And I can empathize. In some ways, it's important to remember that this individual, too, is a person. They may even feel they are "trying hard, and delivering on the Company's goals."

If you've done your investigation and the problem does, indeed, lie with them, what can be done?

You are left with four options:

  1. This person can make their own personal changes.
  2. You, as the leader, can make organizational changes, or even move them to another group. When that happens, you will hope that these organizational changes make a difference in behavior.
  3. You can fire the individual.
  4. You can do nothing.

As a coach, I like to start by asking about Option #4 ("do nothing"). If you do nothing, what results can you expect? Almost always, the leader replies, "If we do nothing, it will damage the culture of the division, people will quit, and I'll have more work to do as we back-fill those roles. We can't leave it as is."

OK, that's great. Now, at least we know that "doing nothing" is not an option. Now, there are 3 options, so let's play them out:

  1. Make personal changes: For this option to work, the individual will have to have a level of self-awareness, and openness to feedback. Most likely, a leadership course won't create the long-lasting, tough changes to behavior. 1:1 coaching may be a great opportunity for their growth.
  2. Make organizational changes: I have seen this option work. The X-factor is going to be, how engrained is the disruptive behavior? How long has it been going on, and do they have a foundation of positivity to fall back on? If the disruptive behavior is a recent phenomenon, sometimes a transfer to a new manager will be just what is needed for them to succeed.
  3. Fire them: As with option #2, we'd want to look at how engrained the behavior is. If it is a lasting-pattern, exiting the person from the Company may be the best thing for you, their team, and for them. The reality is that most people care about their work, and are good-hearted people. With some reflection, some time off from the Company, and a new environment in which to excel, the individual may succeed in their next role. I have seen "disruptive people" become superstars in their new companies.

Back to the point of the title of this article, "Who is responsible for lagging performance?" That one is easy, if you're the leader, it's YOU. It's your job to get involved, to define a plan, and to make that plan work. I advise all business leaders to have a coach, to talk through these tough situations, or even get ahead of them. A coach can help you to go from brainstorming, to crystallizing a plan, to helping to keep you on track during implementation. And, perhaps most importantly, work with your coach on: "How are you feeling as you're going through this? Are you doing OK, and how can you talk through everything so that you are clearing your emotions?"

Please let me know what you think of this article, as it hopefully helps leaders empathize with each other as they experience these situations

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Why do workers quit jobs?

05/06/2022 0 Comment

Why do workers quit jobs?

68% of workers who recently quit their jobs did so without another one lined up! Why? 
The #1 reason cited…a “toxic company culture.”

As leaders of a company, you're probably wondering, "How can I be sure to retain my employees, and is there a way to create an amazing culture that keeps them engaged?"

Of course, one option is to give more money. However, what we've found is money only keeps people for so long. Ultimately, we’ve found that people want to feel they are being developed, to be a part of a productive team, and they want to connect with the company products/services in a meaningful way. In our 20 years as an Organizational Development consulting business, we have found that the greatest way to generate that kind of enthusiasm is to develop and deliver multi-day leadership workshops. These workshops should be somewhat small, and led by facilitators who can make the content relevant and relatable.

Leadership workshops should involve multiple prep meetings to customize the curriculum with examples, scenarios, and relevant discussion topics. The facilitator should be knowledgeable about that specific company, and the needs of those employees. Within the company, executive leaders should attend, or be a part of, the training, in order to show their support and break cultural barriers as they surface.

In terms of facilitators, the selection criteria for the right facilitator to deliver leadership workshops includes both experience/knowledgeable, and the ability to create some fun! Similar to conducting a symphony, great facilitators guide discussions, keeping the discussion on point while allowing the participants to take the conversation where it needs to go. With humility, a great facilitator understands that participants learn as much, or more, from each other as from that instructor. The key is to generate a genuine and powerful conversation, and then provide leaders with the chance to think about and discuss the topics with each other.

In addition, the curriculum should be designed to include multiple learning modes: small group discussions, scenarios and simulations, skills practice time, feedback, and we even send leaders on partner walks. On Zoom, that curriculum design is even more critical, and should engage and encourage interaction…and some fun.

Feel free to contact me directly for a discussion on a leadership programs, or any topics around developing your leaders.

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The answer to remote work…develop your employees!

04/15/2022 0 Comment

The answer to remote work…develop your employees!

Increasingly, we are hearing from our clients that they are having a tough time finding the right applicants to replace positions that have recently opened up. When we delve into why several employees have left their company, they explain that many of them received offers of higher-paying, and/or more flexible-remote positions. To compound the problem of retaining talent, our friends in recruiting add that they notice that people are answering their phones when these recruiters call! This combo is a tough sign for employers! 

As a business leader, of course you’re wondering how you can keep your star employees. You want to create a business environment that engages them, and keeps them dedicated to their roles. 

Our answer…develop your leaders so they know how to develop their staffs! 

Did you know that 85% of leaders-of-others state they have not received any training or coaching on how to be effective leaders? Now, to be clear, that doesn’t mean these leaders are mean, impolite, or moody. What it does mean is these leaders have not been trained in the tools at their disposal, such as how to coach effectively, how to understand/manage change, how to set clear expectations and provide accurate feedback, or techniques to help them “show up” in a calmer, more effective manner.  

We all have heard that people don’t quit jobs, they quit managers. That’s only partially true. We see that people stay with companies for two reasons:

  • They love their supervisor – a plug for leadership training and leadership coaching

  • They see their skills developing, and their careers looks bright – a plug for skill-development at all levels of the Company 

In our leadership workshops and our leadership coaching, for all levels, we provide the space for leaders to consider their staffs’ strengths, to provide a clear path forward, and to lead them successfully to solve business challenges. 

Our two leadership public workshops deliver world-class content with dynamic, interactive instruction. The curricula include: 

  • Emerging Leaders Workshop (May 2-3rd): This workshop covers “Showing up as a Leader,” Managing Change, Delegating and Coaching, Root Cause Analysis, and Effective Feedback.

  • Emotional Intelligence (May 30-June 1st): This workshop covers Neuroplasticity/Flexible Thinking, Self-Awareness, and Techniques to Adjust One’s Style.

We’d love to help your leaders grow! Please contact us anytime, for workshops or leadership coaching! Feel free to message me directly, or contact our Head of Business Development, Paul Powell, at admin@taflat.com  We would love to hear from you!

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What Is, And Why Do, Leadership Training?

02/26/2019 1 Comment

What Is, And Why Do, Leadership Training?

A Quick Read Into Leadership Training

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The One Key Question For All Development Programs

01/11/2019 0 Comment

The One Key Question For All Development Programs

Our first question with new training or coaching projects is always the same:

“What are the business drivers for you to spend the time and money developing these leadership skills?”

Put another way… “Is there a great reason to make this investment?”

Our clients usually pause, and often say, “Yes, well we’ve grown a lot over the past x-number of years, in both revenue and headcount. And, to be honest, we’ve done very little to train our employees to handle this increase in scope… both the increase in complexity of their work and how to lead a larger number of employees.”

In one instance, a client responded to our question, stating, “We just finalized an acquisition of another company, and we’d really like their leaders to know how we operate, and to get to know our leaders.”

Whatever is the answer, it’s fantastic to learn about these business drivers, which become fuel for your leadership development efforts by:

1) Guiding discussions on the training content and design

2) Helping motivate other leaders to participate in, or sponsor, the development

3) Creating lasting motivation that sustains the skills learned in the training – taking it back to the job

What are the reasons behind initiating the development (coaching or training) of your staff? We’d love to hear from you!

If you’d like to have a conversation with us, please feel free to contact us at admin@taflat.com. We look forward to speaking with you!

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Executive Coaching for Entrepreneur CEOs

12/28/2018 1 Comment

Executive Coaching for Entrepreneur CEOs

Executive Coaching for Entrepreneur CEOs

Recently, I’ve taken on several Executive Coaching clients who are entrepreneurs, having started their businesses from scratch. I’ve noticed that these clients seem to struggle with a unique challenge – their task load has them buried in details numerous levels below their job title.

For most of my career, I’ve coached CEOs and other senior executives for Fortune 1000 companies. I’ve spent hours working with them on SWOT analyses, talking through presentations for their Board of Directors, practicing techniques to strengthen their senior leaders’ sense of accountability, or adjusting how they deliver their messages to their staffs, among other topics. These topics are probably the same list that any MBA student would make, when asked to describe Executive Coaching.

However, recently, I’ve been working with entrepreneurial CEOs, who run companies worth $10-80m. And I’ve noticed one key similarity in what they want from their Coaching project – to help them begin to work on more strategic tasks. These CEOs often find themselves tackling such tasks as: billing issues when they have a billing department, handling customer complaints when they have a Director of Customer Relations, or doing their own recruiting when they have an HR person…and sometimes when they have an in-house recruiter!

The trend with these CEOs has been striking. And I boiled down the root cause of this behavior into three areas:

  • The “Servant-Leader” theory – We all have read the leadership articles describing the importance of being a servant-leader. Many successful CEOs have said that they subscribe to this philosophy. But, perhaps the problem lies in semantics. Being a “servant-leader” does mean working to get results by supporting your staff, but it does NOT mean ACTING like a “servant.” Some CEOs may feel that by making their own Xerox copies, they are showing their employees that “no task is beneath me.”
  • They can do it better and quicker. Entrepreneurial CEOs started their business from the ground up. So, not only have they had to do every task in the Company, they know how to do it well, and quickly. They have mopped up floors, written marketing proposals, and even landed the huge clients that propelled their business into the multi-million dollar range. In many cases, CEOs/Owners are the most talented people in the company, and they are the most talented at whatever they do. And so, in their mind, if that detailed billing report needs to be created, they know they can get it done well, and quickly, which serves both accuracy and speed.
  • They like being busy. Yes, believe it or not, many of the CEOs I work with, enjoy that rush that comes from “getting sh@t done”. They like the feeling of knocking off tasks. For example, a Marketing Strategy that they should be working on may take them three months to complete. However, fixing that prickly customer’s service issue may take them one-two hours, and that makes them FEEL great!

In our Coaching sessions, one of the techniques we use is we ask the CEO to maintain a list of their daily tasks, tracking these tasks over a few weeks. At that time, we help them to segment these tasks in a simple 2x2 grid, included below. We work on helping the CEO realize the critical importance of the CEO role. If a ship's Captain is down below working with the crew, who is reading the navigational charts? Who is checking for life-threatening obstacles? Just making the CEO aware of their role, as critical as any role in their Company, sometimes is the greatest result for that Coaching engagement.

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11/15/2018 1 Comment

So, as an expert in Communication Styles, you'd think those of us at The Academy for Leadership and Training would be fantastic communicators, right? Well, I'm here to tell you, we need training just like everyone else!

Recently, we delivered an interactive workshop, based on Merrill's Communication Styles (Analytical, Driver, Expressive, Amiable), and we were reminded of how critical it is to continually refresh our knowledge of the Styles, for our own operations. Here's how that played out...

One of our key clients is highly "Analytical" - (if you're fluent in DISC, he's a "turbo C"). Every time we would present a proposal to him, he wouldn't act on it. Of course, that made us feel insecure because we thought we had missed the mark. Our insecurity would lead to an unnecessary follow-up phone call or an email. All our client wanted was time. Time to process and time to consider the options and path forward. Fortunately, this client hired us and agreed to our proposal, but we paused to reflect on how we could improve.

​Here's a handy list to help you communicate better with your clients (assuming you can assess their Communication Style):

  • Analyticals:
    Give them enough information to make a decision, tell them you're open to giving more information, and be patient!
  • Drivers:
    Write your proposals in simple checklists & bullet points, put details in an appendix, be ready for questions!
  • Expressives:
    Be prepared to give details, but plan meetings to "brainstorm together" and "develop the big picture"
  • Amiables:
    Start every communication with some greeting, take notes on details about them and their team.
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Executive Coaching: CEO, Marketing, and the Board of Directors

07/02/2018 1 Comment

Executive Coaching: CEO, Marketing, and the Board of Directors

In our series of blogs, we have been highlighting real scenarios where the use of an Executive Coach led to tangible business value.

Brad is the CEO of a major agricultural company, specializing in fruit farming, packaging, and distribution. Originally, Brad engaged our company for leadership training that he wanted to provide to his senior staff. As an add-on to the contract, Brad asked if one of our coaches could meet with him the next morning for a 1:1. I agreed to be Brad's coach --- and our planned 2-hour meeting lasted upwards of 4 hours.

To kick-off the meeting, Brad explained that his fruit business had been growing steadily for the past 15 years, however, in the last few years, he noticed a troubling flattening of demand...and surging costs. There were many factors to this issue, but after some conversation, we pinpointed the root cause at the Board of Directors-level, and their refusal to fund any Marketing efforts.

As we talked, it became evident that the Board of Directors held mixed views on Marketing. We talked about each Board member’s personality, and predicted their motivations for their opinions. Fortunately, the Board had a meeting within a week, and we used the whiteboard to create our action plan for Brad to “pre-sell” his Marketing ideas. Brad let me know that two of the Board members were highly influential at the meetings, and if he got them on board in advance of the meeting, he had a good shot at securing Marketing funds for the company.

Brad effectively used his coach to clarify his strategies - taking latent thoughts and developing tactical action plans. It's worth noting that Brad was able to influence the Board to take significant actions, including removing one resistant leader and launching a multi-million dollar Marketing campaign.

It is a fair to ask, “Well...would the CEO have come to those actions on his own anyway, without the coaching meeting?" We don’t know. We can say that we've seen numerous great ideas, laying dormant for years, springing to life after a few coaching sessions. If you'd like to speak with some of our clients, we'd be happy to furnish references.

For more on Executive Coaching, please contact us at admin@taflat.com.

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Executive Coaching, Listening, and Whiteboards

04/29/2018 1 Comment

Executive Coaching, Listening, and Whiteboards

Above is a true, first sketch at organizing a client's whiteboard... the brainstorming process.

For many leaders, “Executive Coaching” seems like some vaguely helpful practice. And, the fact that so many people refer to themselves as Coaches, I can understand why leaders are unclear of the purpose of a great Coach. Each client I engage does require something different, and so the art of Coaching is having enough tools in your tool belt to provide what they need. Having these years of varied experiences allows a Coach to avoid the trap of becoming “a hammer in search of a nail.”

In light of that general confusion around Coaching, I thought I might provide one example of Executive Coaching that has been popular with my clients… “Listening and White-Boarding.”

I’ve found many of my clients have so many strategies and goals in their head, and what they need is a way to advance these strategies in a clear, practical manner. In those cases, I start simply…and I listen…and I listen more…

Once the leader has talked through, in a brainstorm fashion, so many of their ideas, the two of us literally stand in front of a whiteboard and we begin to organize and structure their thoughts.

It doesn’t much matter how we structure the whiteboard ideas. Often, it’s simple sections such as: Marketing/Sales Projects, Operations Projects, Long-Term Business Goals, Immediate Tasks, etc… What does matter is that we’re structuring the numerous great ideas residing in that leader’s head. Once we’ve completed our first whiteboard, most of my clients wind up stating something like, “Just having those ideas sketched out allows me to move forward on them!”

With a segmented whiteboard, our follow-up Coaching meetings often start with a review of the status of current whiteboard items, and then we move to creating new project ideas, or to breaking projects down into smaller, accomplishable steps. It's really much like a personal trainer at a gym.

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Jim Glantz is the Managing Partner of The Academy For Leadership And Training (TAFLAT). A 20+ year Executive of Organizational Development & Training, Jim holds a doctoral degree in Organizational Development and a Masters in Education from UCLA. Jim is an Associate Professor & the author of numerous articles.
